Day One: Dear Tomorrow
Dear Tomorrow,
Thank you, but no, not today!
I’m not interested in giving you today or another one of you away. Because day in and day out, I keep giving you everything. I give you my to-do list, by saying "I'll do that shit, tomorrow." Yes, you get a lot of my TDLs, lol! And I'm done selling you out to the future. I'm so in debt with the Universe!!! No wonder why I keep asking, and nothing's showing up!!! I'm so in debt that every time I knew I had the dime, it would get dropped on me. I had the scoop believing in me, and that this time it was for ME!!!!!!!!! And yet, I would get so close and then nothing, no fucking cigar!!! So, I dust my shit off after taking a sec (and I mean a sec) to recoup, and I'm back at it, creating… trying to manifest everything, but I got a different perspective, and I'm perceiving things so differently. This time I'm bringing love with me. And she is not for games from me, to be put on hold, like a sideline bitch!!! No, she is the best parts of my day. When my eyes open, following the light, shining through like movie screen scenes… "LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!!!". It's time for my 30 seconds of fame in the spotlight, and today, not tomorrow (sorry tomorrow, this one's for me), we gon' do this one right! I'm going to show up for me in the best ways I know how, but it starts with now. See tomorrow, today at this moment I'm going to enjoy the sun shining through the window and the rays I see. The spotlight on me!!! I feel the peace in it, the joy, the laughter, and all the wonders of the world that haven't even been discovered yet, at least not to humankind, no, I mean the human mind!!!
Tomorrow, today, I'll enjoy a morning dew of another view. There are so many, you see, so many changes and opportunities to find peace, love, and tranquility. If only you let tomorrow be responsible for her and all of her duties, not the ones you give her over and extra and then pimp her to the future when you don't even know or understand why you may never see her again!!! Stop taking her FOR G-R-A-N-T-E-D……for granted, stop it!!! Because she isn't promised to you. Tomorrow is not even for you to borrow, no not really. So, leave her to her tasks and her ability to just sit and wait for the question, "What can we do today, so I won't have to do it tomorrow?"
With sincere love,
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This letter started address to tomorrow, but then it slips where I start talking to myself about tomorrow and me, being responsible and accountable for the days of my life; creating structure and order, leading into organization.
Today, is for us to acknowledge that we need to stop putting off tasks of today on tomorrow. This behavior depletes forward movement and stalls growth.
We are to live in the fullness of today because tomorrow is not promised. Really, all you have is your current moment, which is the present. In this moment of time, abundance always exist. Take advantage of this opportunity to live in the greatest of your life in real time. Acknowledge the love and beauty of today to jump start a positive mindset of abundance.
Activity for the day:
Go over your goals to yourself, and choose the oldest, but not completed commitment; select a reasonable timeframe and pen the date. Began your plan to complete this goal, day by day, do one task. Use your journal to write about this experience and what did it add to your life? Do you see the abundance?