Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Love Festival is NOW

The Love Festival is a transformative celebration of self-love, empowerment, and personal growth. Through a carefully crafted on going experience, participants embark on a journey of introspection, daily affirmations, journaling exercises, guided meditations, expert insights, community engagement, and creative expression. Each day is dedicated to a unique theme, fostering an environment of positivity, self-compassion, and the exploration of various facets of love, including self-love and forgiveness. The festival invites individuals to join a supportive community, share their stories, and engage in activities that encourage personal development and the discovery of profound love within themselves.

The Love Festival not only offers a transformative experience but also presents a curated collection of items designed to enhance the journey:

1. **I Am Love Earrings:** 20 unique pairs embedded with the energy of self-love, each carrying a spiritual reading for the end user.

2. **Bath Salts:** Infused with special energy, these bath salts aim to bring a particular essence of love to the users, accompanied by prayers for the right recipients.

3. **AI-Interactive E-Book:** An interactive e-book featuring seven affirmations, guiding users to write love letters to themselves under different perspectives.

4. **Poetry and Spoken Word Performances:** Engaging poetic expressions, including a solo performance titled "I Am In Love," highlighting the journey of discovering love within oneself.

5. **Self-Love Courses:** Comprehensive courses focusing on healing the spirit, mind, and body, empowering individuals to celebrate and amplify their journey of self-love.

These offerings create a holistic Love Festival experience, combining personal development, artistic expression, and tangible products to celebrate and amplify the journey of self-love.

Participate in the fun by joining our email list: 

Make sure to join our email list. 

See you there.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Our first affirmation of THE LOVE FESTIVAL is I AM LOVE,  each of the affirmation of resonates the energy of love…self-love! 

Let's start with a word study of I AM LOVE.

"I”, in the context of "I AM LOVE," "I" typically refers to oneself. It's a pronoun indicating the individual.

In this exploration of studying the affirmation, “I AM LOVE”, the concept, or the perspective of looking at I, from a personal point of view of one looking at themselves as a guide, we can use the word EYE, to put emphasis of  SEEING your self in the “I” or the “I AM” and suggests a deeper introspective view. As, mentioned above, it implies seeing oneself as a guide, a source of insight and understanding. This perspective encourages self-awareness and a connection with one's inner being.

The word "AM" is a form of the verb "to be." In the context of "I AM LOVE," it signifies existence, presence, or identity. It's a declaration of being. So, when saying "I AM LOVE," it asserts a state of being that is synonymous with love.

In this context, "AM" is more of a linking verb, expressing a state of being rather than an action. It connects the subject ("I") with the predicate nominative ("LOVE"). So, while it involves a form of the verb "to be," it doesn't represent a specific action itself.

"Love" is a complex and multifaceted emotion often characterized by deep affection, care, warmth, and a sense of attachment toward someone or something. It encompasses a wide range of feelings, from familial and platonic bonds to romantic and self-love.

In conclusion of our study of the individual words within "I AM LOVE" signifies embracing the very essence and autonomy of love. It articulates the concept of becoming the driving force and embodiment of love, highlighting a deep and meaningful connection with this positive and nurturing emotion. This understanding paves the way for a journey towards self-love and a harmonious relationship with the transformative power of love itself.

The journey of self love can began in many ways, today I ask that you write a heartfelt letter to your 11-year-old self, encouraging you to transport back to a time of joy and innocence. Reflect on the hobbies and activities that brought genuine happiness to your young heart. Capture the essence of those carefree moments, expressing the love and warmth you experienced at that age. Include details about the things you loved to do, the people who made a positive impact, and the simple joys that defined your 11-year-old world. Share the words of encouragement and affirmation that your younger self longed to hear. Let this letter be a celebration of your younger self, embracing the pure essence of love that defined those cherished years. 

The "I am love" letter to your 11-year-old self, emphasize the celebration of your younger self's pure essence of love. Encourage self-affirmation and healing by embracing the enduring connection between past and present. This letter serves as a tribute to the love that defined those cherished years, fostering a harmonious relationship with the transformative power of love itself.

Sunday, February 4, 2024



In the kingdom of God, forgiveness stands as one of the most powerful acts, a divine process that liberates both the forgiver and the forgiven. "I AM FORGIVING" is an affirmation that echoes through the spiritual realm, a profound acknowledgment of the transformative force embedded in the act of

Forgiveness Unveiled:

To forgive is to release resentment, to cease the cycle of blame, anger, and self-pity. It is a sacred act of clearing spiritual debts, allowing individuals to approach God and seek cleansing for their wrongdoings. Yet, forgiveness goes beyond personal absolution; it extends to the liberation of the offender, offering a chance for redemption and reconciliation.

The Journey to Letting Go:

Within the journey of forgiveness lies the crucial step of letting go. This process involves acknowledging the emotions tied to an undesired act, and consciously choosing to release their grip. As we delve into the art of letting go, we discover that it is not an act of forgetting, but rather a courageous act of making space for healing.

Replacing Fear with Faith:

Letting go is intertwined with faith—an unwavering belief in the transformative power of forgiveness. By replacing fear and doubt with faith, we open ourselves to a spiritual metamorphosis. The act of forgiveness becomes a beacon, guiding us towards personal growth, love, and a profound connection with the divine.

"I AM FORGIVING" is not just a statement; it's an invitation to embark on a journey of spiritual emancipation, where the power to forgive becomes a beacon of light, illuminating the path towards love, healing, and the divine purpose intended for each soul.

Here are three visual and actionable ideas for a to-do list on letting go and embracing forgiveness. Each item could be associated with a heart-themed image:

1. Heartfelt Journaling:

Write down emotions and experiences that need letting go. Place your heart on paper, releasing the weight of burdens.

2. Symbolic Release:

Visualize attaching your concerns to a heart-shaped balloon. Watch it float away, signifying the release of negative emotions.

3. Forgiveness Letter:

Draft a letter of forgiveness to yourself or someone else. See the words as a gift, wrapped in the shape of a heart.

Leave a comment if you plan to use one of these visual exercises.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Day 7: Reflection and Renovation

The year of 2023, was one of spiritual growth and reflection, looking back at where I've been and synchronizing with the universe. 2023, was also a global year of spiritual awakening, the energy of getting closer to God. I’ve seen people change physically and mentally. Family and friends have spoken of releasing the old and doing something new. Let go has been the mantra for me; cleaning out old stuff, deciding what to take into the future and what to let go. Childhood trauma surfaced, demanding renewal of my mindset, cultivating fertile ground for the next phase.

But the raw truth – I really didn’t think this awakening would  leave me bewildered. For example, organizing my house has become a blank slate, a challenge I never anticipated. It's like the food I use to eat and love, I don’t even like! I lost about 40 lbs and it isn’t coming back anytime soon. It affected my whole life; spiritually, mentally and physically, automatic shift. I’ve literally had to start over, stripping away the old to make way for the new.

Now, in 2024, the year of the eight brings an energy of manifestation. Letting go remains crucial for manifesting what truly serves my growth. Planning to bring structure to my life, I aim to establish a foundation for the next cycle. Despite confusion and challenges, my focus is clear – to expand, manifest, and create the life I choose.

This journey isn’t just a discovery; it’s a process of unearthing what was within me all along. As I step into the year of manifestation, I carry the lessons, strength, and authenticity gained during the reflective year of seven. The spiritual journey of reflection transitions into the year of manifestation—a renewal and a commitment to my ongoing growth. May the odds forever be in my favor…LET’S GO! GET IT, GET IT!!! ☝🏾❤️

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Day 6: Breakout and Become

I didn’t want to do another long drawn out paragraph, just get straight to the point.  

Abundance is in the fullness of using your imagination to renew your life. This unlocks new realms of possibility and personal transformation. 


♾️ Breakout of norms

♾️ Breakout of everyday activity and do something different

♾️ Breakout of what is expected

♾️ Breakout of everyday norms that expect you to show up and give to everything and everybody EXCEPT YOU!!! 


♾️ Become your own normal

♾️ Become the different you desire to see in the world

♾️ Become the expected in an unexpected frequency 

♾️ Become not who society indicates who you should be…



♾️ Become the expansion that the world needs to experience

♾️ Become who you really are…connect to self, the highest version of YOU…..The Truth!

Day 5: Generosity and Gratitude: A Path to Abundance

Life’s lessons have taught me a simple truth—generosity and gratitude are the keys to unlocking abundance. Join me on this journey as we explore the power of giving without expecting, and how expressing gratitude creates a bridge to the blessings that await.

Life offers us valuable lessons, and as we navigate its twists and turns, the Universe generously provides opportunities for growth. However, it’s crucial to recognize that sometimes, we become our own stumbling blocks to the abundance we desire. In the spirit of true generosity, we find that the key is not just what we give but how we give.

Generosity takes on a profound meaning when we offer our contributions with a joyful heart and gratitude, detached from expectations of immediate returns. It’s in this selfless exchange that the energy of abundance flows effortlessly. As we give freely, detached from outcomes, the Universe responds with its boundless generosity, aligning our path with the blessings we seek.

In this journey of abundant living, let’s embrace the simple truth—true abundance is found in the selfless giving of ourselves. As we contribute with an open heart and express gratitude sincerely, the Universe responds in kind. This is the essence of abundance—where giving and receiving create a harmonious melody that echoes through the chambers of our existence.

So, let’s navigate this path with a spirit of generosity and gratitude, recognizing that the more we give, the more we receive in return. In this dance of giving and receiving, we uncover the keys to a life filled with abundance.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Day 4: Grown with Abundance: Navigating Life with Integrity, Accountability, and Love

I was listening to Beyoncé’s “GROWN WOMAN” and the realization that I can do whatever I want hit me. Embracing the profound declaration, "I'm a grown woman" or "I'm a grown man," isn't just a testament to age; it's an acknowledgment of the abundance that comes with living life with integrity, accountability, and love.

To be grown is to navigate life with a richness that goes beyond mere existence. It's about embracing the abundance of experiences, both triumphant and challenging, and recognizing them as essential contributors to your growth. The abundance lies not only in the victories but in the resilience cultivated through facing adversities.

Living with integrity as a grown individual means aligning your actions with your values. It's about standing tall in your beliefs, even when the world may challenge them. This integrity creates an abundance of authenticity, where your actions and intentions harmonize to shape a life true to your essence.

Accountability, another cornerstone of being grown, adds an abundance of self-awareness. It's the recognition that every decision, whether uplifting or disappointing, carries weight. In this space of accountability, the abundance arises from the lessons learned, the growth fostered, and the empowerment found in taking ownership of your narrative.

Love, when infused into the fabric of your grownness, brings an abundance of compassion and understanding. It's not just about romantic love but extends to self-love, empathy for others, and a deep connection with the world. The abundance here is the richness of relationships, the joy in shared moments, and the profound impact of love as a guiding force.

So, when you declare, "I'm a grown woman" or "I'm a grown man," do so with the awareness that it signifies a state of living abundantly. It's an acknowledgment of the richness derived from navigating life with integrity, embracing accountability, and infusing love into every facet of your being. In this abundance, you find not just maturity but a bountiful tapestry of experiences that shape the essence of your grown self. 🌟💖